Last hope anime netflix
Last hope anime netflix

  • Food Porn: Food and cooking are heavily featured in the series, with the characters often visiting restaurants or indulging in home cooking.
  • Food End: Quite a few episodes end with the main cast settling down for a meal after the day's problems have been dealt with.
  • Friendly Sniper: Doug Horvat pilots a sniper mecha, and he's generally laid back and friendly.
  • Facial Markings: When using the Hyper Drive, its pilots develop this around their eyes.
  • as a form of atonement for his part in the world's destruction.
  • The Exile: Leon was banished from Neo Xianglong for his part in creating the Reactor, being made a scapegoat to public opinion he willingly accepts this out of a sense of guilt and goes into exile in the wastelands to research a way to defeat the B.R.A.I.
  • Doug's would be Emilia Valli.or rather, her AI copy.
  • They are usually the ones most directly in conflict against each other, as well.
  • Evil Counterpart: With Taoist concepts such as the duality of Yin and Yang being important motifs in the story, most of the main characters have counterparts on the antagonist side who both contrast and complement them.
  • last hope anime netflix

  • Eldritch Abomination: The Gleaming Darkness, the embodiment of Chaos itself created by the clash of the Hyper Drive and Dark Drive.
  • It could read as her being glad her younger sister is making friends, or it could read as her approving of something else. Cecil responds by saying that her younger sister is often lonely, and that if she's chosen Leon as someone to spend her time with, she hopes that he can ease her loneliness.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: When Leon reveals to Jay and Cecil that Fiona has been visiting him for some time, an incredulous Jay asks Cecil if such a thing is appropriate.
  • is a gigantic monster that attacked Neo Xianglong two years prior, and now it's back, this time under Gold's command.
  • Creepy Centipedes: The Chilopoda B.R.A.I.
  • Cool Old Guy: Kain is the oldest person in the main cast and is generally friendly and pleasant.
  • Gold's bodyguard, has one that covers half-his face.
  • Combination Attack: Neither Cain nor Glenn can handle the strain of using a Hyperdrive by themselves, but in the finale they hook up a single Hyperdrive between their mechs and can achieve a partial activation creating a multi-dimensional gattling gun.
  • Clarke's Third Law: Fiona and Cecil are shown to have various abilities that seem supernatural in nature, as befitting their backgrounds as Taoist priestess, though Sieg claims that they're actually harnessing and manipulating Quantum Energy using their family rituals as a focus.
  • from episode 9 can turn itself invisible at will.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: The chameleon B.R.A.I.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Glenn is a terrible drinker, and gets completely wasted after some time.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Leon Lau is eccentric and occasionally spacey, but he's a genuinely brilliant scientist and the best hope for defeating the B.R.A.I.
  • Bridge Bunnies: The four unnamed girls that serve as this for Team Pandora.
  • Blood Knight: Won loves nothing more than inflicting bloodshed, especially if it is against Quinny.
  • Big Eater: Using the Hyperdrive too much makes Leon get very hungry.
  • is gigantic when compared to its minions.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: The Queen Bee B.R.A.I.
  • BFS: Kain Ibrahim Hassan wields one of this.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Quinny is very good at hand-to-hand combat.
  • The Atoner: Leon feels guilty for being the Sole Survivor of the disaster unleashed by the Hyper Reactor, and now he dedicates himself to fix it in any way.
  • last hope anime netflix

  • Astral Projection: How Fiona interacts with the other characters.
  • And later he asks Quinny her weight to compare it to Cecil's.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: When Quinny acts as Cecil's Body Double, Leon mentions their busts are different.

  • Last hope anime netflix